I could tell you how to recognize a confident woman, but wouldn’t it be better if I told you how to become one? Here are some genius tips that will help you develop the attitude of a confident woman this week!
We all have that image in our heads of a confident woman who is attractive and bold. She wears amazing clothes, is making her own money her own way, is admired by many, and…well…honestly, she’s just living her best life!
What if I said that this confident woman who just came to your mind could be you? If you start developing these 5 attitude traits of confident women now, then you will build your self-confidence in no time!
Today, we’re talking all about how to have the attitude of a confident woman.
How to Have the Attitude of a Confident Woman
1. Confident Women Are Mission Oriented
A confident woman is on a mission. She knows her goals, and she takes conscious, strategic steps to achieve them.
There are two main reasons that being mission-oriented is one of the main traits of a confident woman. The first is that being focused on a mission allows confident women to prioritize their time.
By being mission-oriented, a confident woman knows what is a good investment of her time and what is a waste of her time. And she will not put up with anything that is a waste of her time.
For example, if a confident woman has a goal of starting her own business, she will invest her time in entrepreneurship courses and taking the necessary steps to begin her business. She will not, however, spend hours a day watching funny Tik Toks.
Why? Because she has her eyes on the prize.
The second reason that confident women have a mission-oriented attitude is that focusing on a mission gives them a purpose – and with purpose comes drive.
What makes a confident woman confident is that she knows what she does is important, and she doesn’t let anyone convince her otherwise.
If you want to have the attitude of a confident woman, you need to be mission-oriented. Know your goals and the steps you want to take to reach them and don’t let anything stand in your way.
2. Confident Women Believe in Their Worth
If I could describe a confident woman in a sentence, it would be “A woman who believes her self-worth.”
Confident women know that they have value. But more importantly, they know where their value comes from.
They don’t let society or current trends or even their mother’s opinion determine their value. They find their worth through the love and respect that they have for themselves regardless of others.
And this translates over to how confident women carry themselves.
If someone tells a confident woman that she is ugly or unfit for a job or simply not good enough, do you know what she does? She ignores them and she keeps her head held high.
She doesn’t allow the opinions others have of her to negatively influence the opinions she has of herself. Her confidence does not shake just because someone else says it should.
In order to have the attitude of a confident woman this week, make sure that you truly believe in your worth. And don’t let anyone convince you that you don’t have value just because you’re out of their price range.
3. Confident Women Stand Up for Themselves
Something that goes along with knowing your worth is knowing when and how to stand up for yourself.
This looks a lot like setting boundaries (something I talk a lot about in my other blog post). Confident women know what they are comfortable and not comfortable with and have no problem communicating this.
If someone is belittling them, they know to speak up and be their own voice, advocating for themselves. If they are in a situation that is uncomfortable, they have no problem removing themselves.
A confident woman does not view standing up for herself as being rude. She does not worry about the risk of someone not liking her if she sticks up for herself. Instead, she is more worried about the risk of allowing others to run over her and staying in a place where she is not happy or fully appreciated.
If you truly want to build your confidence and become a more confident woman this week, then practice standing up for yourself and being your own voice.
Don’t let anyone belittle you for free and remember, if you’re not happy or appreciated or comfortable, you are free to leave and go find a better situation.
4. Confident Women Are Respectful
Another trait of a confident woman is that she is respectful, or at the very least cordial, in most situations. She knows how to hold her composure, even under stress and pressure from others.
Now, just to be clear, you can be respectful and stand up for yourself at the same time. You do not have to sacrifice one for the other. And confident women have mastered this.
They know how to communicate their boundaries without belittling others in the process, even if someone else was being rude to them first.
It takes a very strong person to walk away from a battle, but a confident woman knows that her time and energy can best be spent somewhere else.
So instead of fighting fire with fire this week, ask yourself how you can be the bigger person and remain respectful, even when everything in you screams to do otherwise.
5. Confident Women Empower Others
The final, and most powerful sign of a bold woman is that she empowers other people, especially other women.
In a world where we are told to believe that if someone else succeeds, we must fail, a confident woman chooses to believe in the law of abundance – that there is enough success to go around for everyone.
She doesn’t view other people, and especially other women, as her competition. She doesn’t see other people in her field and wish failure upon them. Instead, she sees how she can encourage the dreams of others.
She is not intimidated by the success of other people, but motivated and joyful because of it.
In order to have the attitude of a confident woman this week, you need to stop being discouraged when you see other people living your dreams, and instead support them while working to make your dream life a reality.
I mean honestly, what is the point of success if you don’t make friends along the way?
Building yourself confidence is one of the key steps to success. And one of the best ways to work on building your confidence is to do the things that confident women do! By using these tips this week, you can create a more bold, confident attitude and be even more prepared to take on your dreams!
Today, we discussed how to have the attitude of a confident woman.
Until next time,