A key to being successful is being a highly motivated person who works daily to achieve their goals. Here are 6 effective techniques that will help you become a self-motivated person.
When it comes to achieving goals and working towards our dreams, it is essential that we develop a self-motivated personality and keep showing up every single day. But, if you’re like me, you may find it hard to stay highly motivated all the time, especially when progress is coming slower than you’d like.
However, I have found some amazing strategies that help me to stay motivated towards my goals. These 6 secrets will turn you into a highly motivated person and get you closer to achieving your goals.
Today, we’re talking all about becoming a highly motivated person.
Becoming A Highly Motivated Person
1. Know Your Why

If you really want to become a highly motivated person, then you need to find your why behind your goals. If you do not have a solid reason for your goals, you will give up the moment you get uncomfortable.
When you are creating you why, you want to get as specific and personal as possible. For example, my ultimate career goal is to become a college professor at a research university. However, there are many times when I don’t want to put in the hours of studying and reading and essay writing. I would much rather lay down, eat sushi and watch Gilmore Girls.
What motivates me to put in the work anyway?
Knowing my why. I remind myself that because of those essays, I will become a college professor that not only gets to research topics that interest me but works at a University where I can mentor and spread love to college students who are just as lost and nervous as I was when I was a Freshman. This why pushes me daily.
If you want to increase your self-motivation for any goal, find your why and focus on it. Honestly, with this one strategy, your motivation will sky-rocket.
2. Seek Daily Motivation

Another way to foster a more self-motivated personality is to simply seek motivation daily.
It’s no secret that you will not be motivated to work towards your goal 24/7. You will have off-days. There will be times when you are tired or stressed or simply don’t want to put in the work. And that’s ok. We all need breaks.
What’s not ok is letting these off-times become excuses to completely throw in the towel. The best way to keep this from happening is to seek motivation daily. Find ways to remind yourself of what you’re working towards and why this goal is so important to you in the first place.
One of my favorite ways to seek out daily motivation is by pinning to my personal Life Vision Board on Pinterest. This board is filled with pins that inspire me to reach certain goals in my life, whether it is fitness goals or working to afford my dream home.
Every morning, when I first wake up, I take 5-10 minutes to pin to my Life Vision Board so I can remind myself daily of why I am choosing to wake up early and work hard. I remind myself why I am choosing to eat healthily and workout and write blogs instead of binge Netflix and eat ice cream all day (although, admittedly this happens on rare occasions. I’m not perfect!).
Other ways that you can seek daily motivation are by creating a vision poster or journaling and writing out your overall goals and daily steps you can take to get closer to your goals. Or, if you’re like me and want to be super highly motivated, you can do all three.
To become a more motivated person, you have to put in the daily work to seek motivation. It only takes minutes per day but makes a huge difference in your motivation levels.
3. Take Action Despite Fear

Taking action in the face of fear is another amazing technique to increase your self-motivation. The truth is, fear is always going to be present in our lives. But it’s the people who act in spite of their fear that reach success.
When you take action in spite of fear, you end up taking risks and doing things that you once thought were impossible for yourself. This pushes you to then take more risks and find new ways to grow.
And when you see yourself growing, you will become motivated to push yourself even further. And soon enough you will joke about the fears you used to have because they will seem so minuscule.
Taking action in spite of your fear pushes you to go outside of your comfort zone. You don’t have to be fearless, you just have to be willing to face your fears head-on. By doing this, you will increase your self-motivation and continue to grow.
4. Take Consistent Action

Another trait of a highly motivated person is that they take consistent action. You won’t make strong progress towards your goals unless you are consistently putting in the necessary work. But once you start seeing that progress, it becomes one of the greatest forms of motivation that you will have.
Take fitness goals for example. Yes, eating healthy can suck (especially if you can’t cook that well, like me) and it sounds so much better to just relax with a glass of wine instead of going to the gym. But, once you start seeing those results in the mirror, you realize all your hard work and sacrifices were worth it.
And even more than that? You become addicted to seeing the results.
That rush that you get from seeing your muscles slightly peek through pushes you to work until you no longer have to flex. And, not to mention, the increase in self-confidence as you become stronger and fitter motivates you even more.
But, those results can only come from taking consistent action.
If you really want to push yourself to become a highly motivated person, then start taking consistent action towards your goals.
5. Use Failure As A Lesson

People who are self-motivated view failures as lessons instead of obstacles.
It is so easy to let failures become a reason to give up instead of a reason to grow. But, if you begin to view your failures as lessons, you give yourself an opportunity to increase your self-motivation towards achieving your goals.
Every Sunday, I do an audit of the past week and how well I did in working towards each of my goals. During my audit, I make sure to ask myself where I fell short and why.
When I understand how and why I failed in certain steps towards my goals, I can take the action needed to fix my mistakes and find new strategies to use. I’m not discouraged by my failures. Instead, I am encouraged by knowing that I have a more concrete idea of what exactly I need to do and not do to get where I need to go.
This increases my motivation because it not only forces me to remind myself of the overall goal I am working towards, but it also gives me the mindset that my “failures” are not meant to stop me, but to grow and direct me towards my goals.
By looking at each failure as a lesson, you open up opportunities to fix your path and strategies so that they align better with your goals. You give yourself avenues to grow. This will motivate you to keep pushing forward until you achieve whatever it is you set out to achieve.
6. Have A Higher Purpose

Finally, highly motivated people have a higher purpose. Having a higher purpose gives a greater sense of importance to your goals. When you’re working for something that affects more than just you, you are more likely to get it done and make sure it is done right so that you don’t let others down.
For some, like me, a higher purpose is found in spirituality. In everything I do, I ask myself “How can I spread God’s love to others?” This pushes me to look beyond myself and beyond my own desires to see how my actions and goals can benefit others as well.
However, even if you are not a spiritual person you can still work towards a higher purpose. You can rewrite your goals so that they benefit you and so that you can use your success to somehow benefit others as well. This will give you something extra to look forward to as you work towards your goals.
If you really want to increase your self-motivation, find a higher purpose for your goals. When you look beyond yourself, your influence and your motivation will become infinitely bigger.
If you want to achieve your goals, you need to increase your self-motivation. Try using these 6 techniques. You will, without a doubt, become a more highly motivated and more successful person!
Today we discussed strategies to become a highly motivated person.
Until next time,